Identity of the person responsible
The activity of this web is articulated in the following way:
- Number: This website is managed by Mapi Dufol., with DNI 18977997F which is the Responsible for the file.
- Corporate headquarters: Ricardo Villa 10, 08017, Barcelona
- Contact: You can contact me on my Contact Form
- The Activity : This website is dedicated to the dissemination of free information through the Internet and’s mailing list for informative, educational and commercial purposes, including online sales and marketing activities.
Personal Data protection
The provider complies with the European and Spanish Regulations for the protection of personal data, and guarantees full compliance with the obligations set out in the General regulations on Data Protection (RGPD) The Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the protection of Personal data (LOPD)The Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, by which approves the regulation of development of the LOPD and other regulations in force at any time, and ensures the correct use and treatment of the user’s personal data.
Personal Data processing
What are personal data?
The LOPD defines in article 3 the personal data as “Any information concerning identified or identifiable individuals.”
To this we must add that the different information that, compiled, can lead to the identification of a certain person. These are also personal data.
Are more obvious examples are the name or ID of a person, but are also considered personal data email Or even a IP Address Used at a given time (although this last example is more debated if you can really consider a personal data).
Why are these data collected?
The collection of personal data on the Internet is simply Inevitable in any interactive site (with commentary, contact forms, etc.).
That is to say, a simple comment on the blog, to store your Number (so that we can address each other in the comments) on the blog, I am collecting for the purposes of the law a personal data. Only with that we are fully in the corresponding legal obligations.
The purposes with which these data are collected here are Three:
- Make Possible A System of Guest reviewsOf blog.
- Allow you to contact us through our Contact forms.
- Create a list of SubscribersVia email a Those that I contribute exclusive contents and notice of new entries in the blog, as well as of commercial promotions (courses online normally). That is to say, a list with which we carry out activities of email marketing.
What types of data are collected? Purpose and Legitimation
In general terms, the personal data collected is stored in a file with the exclusive purpose of the Sending electronic communications Related to the web’s own activity.
The data collected are Identifying And they correspond to a reasonable minimum to be able to carry out the activity carried out. In particular, no particular data is collected at any time.
This means that they will be used for issues such as sending newsletters (newsletters), notices of new articles and new comments on the blog, commercial offers, events and, in general, any information that from consider Of interest to my users.
The legitimation for the collection of this data arises from the express consent that the user gives at any time by checking the box of acceptance of this privacy policy that appears in all the places where personal data are collected.
This box appears unmarked and until it is marked with an action expressed by the user, it is not possible to carry out the action in question (high as subscriber, sending comments, etc.).
Specifying, in this blog I collect the following personal data
- You number (No surnames): in comments, contact forms and email list. I don’t ask for your last name
- You email: In comments, contact forms and email list. Simply essential to be able to communicate with you.
- Your IP Address: The collection of this data makes it intrinsically WordPress. It is also a useful data to fight spam.
- Your Web site (s): If with the traffic I receive in the comments section I can lend a hand to receive some more visit on your website, Go ahead!.
- Specific interests: On my email list I try to SegmentThe best possible for members to know your specific interests within the global theme new technologies. This allows me to offer you a much better adjusted information to what you really want to receive and avoid that you receive emails of little interest at the same time that it gives me a statistical information of great value to know what I demand the readers.
There are three types of automated treatments in this web:
- The Subscriber high process in the tool Mailchimp.
- Segmentations on the mailing list, according to topics of Interest made Based on statistics regarding openings and clicks in emails received.
- The shipping “IntelligentOf Emails in Function of the answers of the user and the professional that attends the service in question and with which it is intermediated through this platform.
Where are your personal data stored on this website?
Due to the nature of this activity, the personal data of this website are stored in three places:
- Web servers on this web: These websites It is housed in the suppliers of Hosting Dinahosting . Previously.
- My email marketing provider, Mailchimp:
- For backup purposes, you save copies of the web and mailing list stored on my own storage media.
How long are these data maintained?
No expiration date Default for the data collected. The personal data is given off At the request of the interested parties.
Policy anti-spam
Express My absolute Rejection of the sending of unsolicited commercial communications or any kind of conduct or manifestation known as “spam” and I declare myself committed to the fight against this type of practice.
Therefore, I guarantee the user that Under no circumstances The personal data collected on the website will be transferred, shared, transfered, or sold to any third party, unless the express wish of the person concerned (see rights below).
As a measure of protection to these practices the mailing list of is of the type double opt-in Which means that the email of the user who wants to register is sent to you needs a confirmation email to complete the discharge. Only if the holder is confirmed from that email the discharge will be completed.
In the event that even User Receive communications from this website without having registered, or without having given your express consent to such registration, you can unsubscribe from with a simple click any received emails (all include the low button).
Rights of the user and how to exercise them
In accordance with the provisions of the European RGPD and the Spanish LOPD, the User At any time you can exercise your Access rights, Rectification, CancellationAnd Opposition to the Provider.
In order to facilitate the exercise of these rights it is facilitated in all communications a Low area That would result in the Immediate elimination Of the user’s personal data from the email marketing provider Database (Mailchimp).
Both the low on my list, and all other actions you can apply through the Contact Form That is maintained on the website, both to communicate what happened and to request the immediate removal of your data from my system.
I pledge to execute all these rights within the Maximum legal term of 10 working days. In practice I will do it long before, because I have no interest in having your data, if you do not want.
- Access
The right of access is the right of the affected to obtain information on whether their own personal data are being treated, the purpose of the treatment which, if appropriate, is being carried out, as well as the information available on the origin of Such data and the communications made or envisaged thereof.
- Rectification
The right of rectification is that the person concerned may request that the data that proves to be inaccurate or incomplete be modified.
- Cancellation
This is the right of the affected to delete the data that proves to be inadequate or excessive and is closely related to the so-called “Right to Oblivion” (see below).
- Opposition
The right of opposition relates to the right of the person concerned not to carry out the treatment of his or her personal data in the cases where his or her consent to the treatment is not necessary, in the case of commercial prospecting files or That they have the purpose of taking decisions referring to the interested party and based solely on the automated processing of their data.
- Portability and non-limitation of treatment
This right is that you can order your data in a structure, common use and mechanical reading format, as long as it is technically possible to satisfy your request.
It is Castilian, this means that you can ask me your data in office formats as usual Excel or CSV, for example.
In the case of this website, the data with so few and trivial that surely you do not see the meaning. However, you can do it if you want.
- Right to Oblivion
The right to oblivion is a new concept of RGPD something more complex that affects, above all, websites that expose your data, ie websites such as social networks and various platforms Google.
Applied to my case, is specific in the right to cancel your data (in the case of the mailing list)